Monday, May 26, 2014

Lost & Found...

Finding one's path/s... 
One of my major life's passions is wandering this awe inspiring globe, 
to live and experience its people and places. 

Since January our lives were a bit up in the air as we figure out what our next move in the international teaching circuit would be. Therefore, question most asked in my home has been:
 "Where are we going next?"

Over our date night dinners it would be a lengthy discussion between Rob & I  /  walking to school with my 10 year old son, he would question, explore & dream / playing blocks or racing cars ~ my two younger sons would try to guess the next country they will live in.

At different points it has come very close to being China, Russia, Qatar, Saudi Arabia....

But this month we were blessed with not only a clear path...but THE path were were trying the most to manifest for our families, friends and future....
We are moving to Kula Lumpur, Malaysia!!

It is a perfect fit for that has been making all of us smile like a bunch of  fools!

So WHY did we want to move to Kula Lumpur???

Location: we LOVE South east Asia - great food, people, culture, crafts, music, beaches, temples, and awesome road trip destinations

Family: it is close to Australia, where my husband's family come from - but also a major travel hub to get to my family from (or have them come to us!)

Employment: it is a new International school which means we will be part of the pioneers who will help shape the feel of the school.
Future: most importantly, it is somewhere we feel that we can be for at least 5 years...where we can put down some roots for our children.  But it is also an amazing opportunity for me to really start focusing on my design business and for Rob  to complete his PhD.

As much as I did love those dreamy, "lost" conversations, filled with "What if we are going to ___________"

It is wonderful to have a map in my hands now......

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