Sunday, December 22, 2013

Universal Dancing

As above, so below....

We are one.

by Erik Soderberg borrowed from http://thingsthatquickentheheart.blogspot

From love Love:

Goddess ~ from /

Spiral staircase from www.

Tree spiral from

Mandala Staircase, Montmatre, Paris

Draped in a Mandala in a serene forest (love xxoo)

Amazing Fractal 'flower of life'

Nivasa is inspired by  the Experience of the Natural World in all its Beauty and Truth, knowing that one needs the Freedom to choose objects which bring Light to Hearth and the Heart. 

This whole Earth is teeming with the Wonders of Life. 

When we reach out and touch the fabric we feel the ancientness of the Sands of the Sahara. 

When we sit amongst the cushions of the Kashmir sharing the fruit of the vine we are transported to the markets and bazaars beyond our everyday world. 

When we listen to the rain fall upon the roof and see its dancing pattern on a simple glass sunroof we reveal in ourselves our affinity with the dancing fractal patterns of nature

When we open our eyes in the morning light to the colours and textures of the art of our fellow beings that we share in our home, we are travelers on the eternal road of our living Earth.

What inspires you? What influences your Heart & Hearth? 

(Personaly, I love the second last photo)
