
Behind the scenes of Nivasa Designs:

Welcome! Grab a warm cup of chai, settle into a comfy, quiet space & enjoy a fest of inspiration…
I am a gypsy soul who loves travelling this wondrous Earth with my husband and four children. We currently live, work & study in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, where we are collecting the most amazing memories.
This is a space of sharing  -  to hopefully act as inspiration to add a little more Beauty & Truth into your journey.
Again, welcome to my little corner of the web…enjoy!

Nivasa Philosophy:

Nivasa Designs seeks to bring to your home an Experience of the Natural World in all its Beauty and Truth, knowing that one needs the Freedom to choose objects which bring Light to Hearth and the Heart. This whole Earth is teeming with the Wonders of Life. When we reach out and touch the fabric we feel the ancientness of the sands of the Sahara. When we sit amongst the cushions of the Kashmir sharing the fruit of the vine we are transported to the markets and bazaars beyond our everyday world. When we listen to the rain fall upon the roof and see its dancing patter on a simple glass sunroof we reveal in ourselves our affinity with the dancing fractal patters of nature. When we open our eyes in the morning light to the colours and textures of the art of our fellow beings that we share in our home, we are travelers on the eternal road of our living Earth.


In Sanskrit Nivasa means dwelling place, a space to seek comfort and serenity.
I have four sources of inspiration-
SPACE: I love ‘space’, both natural and manmade. I am intrigued by the positive uses and manipulations of ‘space’. For example– the theatre, spas, hotel rooms, homes, yoga studios, restaurant kitchens, mountain top huts, gardens…even outer space – the night sky! Afterall, the Hearth is our own mini universe – hEARTH.
BEAUTY: Like most of us, I am personally affected by my environment in positive and negative ways. Therefore, I seek out beautiful and unique accents for my environment. These accents refresh my spirit; relax my mind thus making me smile.
THE JOURNEY: I am a Nomad, a Gypsy who travels the globe in search of new experiences and objet d’art. My goal is to create a retail boutique and consultancy called Nivasa Designs for those gypsy inspired people who may not have the time to ‘source’ global pieces for their homes themselves.
BREATH: Simplicity found in the balance of the Breath. As a yoga practitioner and a busy mother of four, this is something that I seek every day.  The lives we live beyond our hearths are hectic and stressful. Therefore, it is in the home that one seeks to finally achieve that balance.